
How many times have you set a goal and come up short in regard to fulfilling it? When we set goals we often do not think of the sacrifices that lie ahead of us. Instead, we only pay attention to the reward or victory in the end. If someone told us about all the work it will take to achieve our goals, would we still want them? If we were warned about what it will take to keep our goals, would we still strive to attain them? Goals can be life altering in both negative and positive ways. The work that ensues before the goal is acquired determines if the goal will remain viable long enough to be achieved.

A goal without a plan is merely a suggestion or a thought. I made several goals in regard to my life, but did not follow them up with an actual plan. As a result, my goals were often unfulfilled as so was my sense of self. My lack of planning also resulted in me repeating some of the same mistakes even though I was fully aware of the actions that would yield unfavorable outcomes. Despite my lack of proper planning, my goals did allow me to attain things. However, my lack of proper planning did not ensure I would keep them. Through hard work I was able to get the car I always wanted. But because I didn’t plan my finances accordingly, I wasn’t able to keep it. I was also able to have the wedding of my dreams. But much like the scenario mentioned above, I did not plan properly. That marriage was filled with abuse and discord that ultimately ended in divorce. Both of which negative outcomes could of been avoided if I had planned properly instead of rushing to fulfill a superficial desire.

Sometimes the goals that were based solely on my wants turned out to be detrimental to my destiny. I found that the goals that fulfilled me superficially were almost always temporary in existence. Here’s why. Our feelings are constantly fluctuating. Once those initial emotions of pleasure wear off, interest in the construct also fades. We become less and less motivated to work to keep our goals and this allows for mistakes to happen. Those mistakes can cause negative ripple effects in our lives impacting everything to follow. Choose your goals wisely.


Out on



Simply put, this is what having a G.O.A.L.  means.

Not all goals will pan out the way we expect them too. As you may come to learn by reading this, that can sometimes be a good thing. Goals are trial and error, just like life. How many of us had planned out our lives before we even made it to adulthood? We knew what would be our educational major in college. Our dream job was also decided that followed our graduation after completing four years of coursework. Finally, the perfect life of traveling, marriage and 1.5 children would complete the equation that we had put together. I am raising my hand the highest because for me these goals weren’t entirely accurate lol! Through many trial and errors, failures, disappointments, set backs and no’s, I’ve developed a new understanding of what a goal is.

1. Goals are about setting the bar or standard in regard to where we want to be in life.
2. Once this is done, we must effectively and concisely plan how we can maintain our goals once we achieve them. Included in the plan should be the potential for setbacks and detours that can alter our goals.

3. Finally, we must work relentlessly in effort to achieve and keep them.

 One of my faves from last school year.

Success is not defined by how many things we acquire. It is measured by the work we put in to achieve the goals that almost eluded us. ~Z.Reed