I Am Free

You promised that you would protect me and our child. Instead, your selfish controlling actions  permanently took away my smile. Now only left with the fond memories of my presence, my family is burdened with the results of your transgressions. 

Our daughter will grow up motherless to only be told by others how I tried to protect her because I loved her that much. The nights she wishes for me sad and lonely, she won’t be comforted by her mother’s touch. 

She will be filled with constant questions that no one can answer objectively in the absence of their pain. Why is my mommy not here? Why did my daddy do this to her? Your rage has left a permanent unremovable stain. 

I can only imagine how these past few days have been for her as she has not seen my face. I hope that she grows to know that her mommy loved her and even in her absence, a mother’s unconditional love can never be replaced. 

To my family, especially my parents, I know that you are hurt. I only ask that you remember me as I was and not for what this incident has caused you to assert. 

Take especially good care of my daughter as I know you all will. Support my mothers’ broken heart and help her to graciously heal. Today, I regretfully say goodbye only because I must. My physical body no longer here, but my spirit and soul in God I entrust. I love you all, but I’ve finally found emotional and physical peace. He can no longer hurt me, I am finally free. 

“Sometimes the people that appear the strongest in public are the most vulnerable in private” ~Z. Reed

Rest in Sweet Everlasting Peace Monique Powell and Dominique Thibodeaux. Enough is Enough. 

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